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Internal Verifier SQA Unit L&D11 Internally Monitor and Maintain the Quality of Workplace Assessment

Who this Unit is for?

This Unit is for those monitoring assessment processes and decisions within an organisation and helping to maintain and improve the quality of workplace assessment. The internal quality assurance process being conducted by the internal verifier-candidate can be for SVQs, work-based qualifications or in-company standards.

What this Unit is about

The types of activities the internal verifier-candidate will be involved in include:
1 Preparing to carry out internal quality assurance
2 Planning internal quality assurance
3 Carrying out planned monitoring of the quality of assessment
4 Providing assessors with feedback, advice and support to help them maintain and
improve their assessment practice
5 Meeting appropriate external quality assurance requirements

To achieve this Unit the verifier-candidate is required to carry out the monitoring activities defined in their organisation’s quality assurance procedures in accordance with appropriate external quality assurance requirements.

Their knowledge will be assessed by taking part in a discussion with their assessor, answering questions (written or oral), verifier-candidate statement or a combination of all of these.

The verifier-candidate’s performance will be assessed by the assessor looking at products of work, for example:

Notes of meetings with assessors and other quality assurance staff in the organisation.
Notes on the planning process for their monitoring activities.

Quality assurance documentation the verifier-candidate uses to record their monitoring of at least two assessors’ work with at least two candidates each, covering at least three assessment decisions in total. Monitoring will include observation of assessors providing feedback to their candidates.

Records of their use of the results of monitoring to provide feedback, including advice and support on practice and planned CPD processes, to assessors and other relevant people and agreeing any remedial action or changes to assessment procedures to meet internal and external quality assurance requirements.

The verifier-candidate will be observed monitoring the activities of one assessor.

Price is exclusive of VAT.
  • Introduction
  • Housekeeping
  • Qallies Policies
  • Identity Check
  • Controls and navigation video
  • Assessment Plan
  • Assessment Plan Introduction
  • SQA Unit Internally Monitor and Maintain the Quality of Workplace Assessment
  • Assessment Plan L and D 11 r1.pdf
  • Practical Guide for Verifier Candidates
  • Selection of Standards & I.D confirmation
  • Module 1 Prepare to carry out internal quality assurance
  • Module 1 Introduction
  • Module 1 Prepare to carry out internal quality assurance slides
  • Module 1 Knowledge Assessment
  • Module 2 Plan internal quality assurance
  • Module 2 Introduction
  • Module 2 Plan internal quality assurance slides
  • IV Strategy
  • Module 2 Knowledge Assessment
  • MODULE 3 Carry out planned monitoring of the quality of assessment
  • Module 3 Introduction
  • Module 3 Carry out planned monitoring of the quality of assessment slides
  • Begin the IV process
  • Evidence Matrix
  • Witness Testimony
  • Observation Report
  • IV Form
  • Module 3 Knowledge Assessment
  • MODULE 4 Meet appropriate external quality assurance requirements
  • Module 4 Introduction
  • Module 4 Meet appropriate external quality assurance requirements slides
  • Module 4 Knowledge Assessment
  • Module 5 Practical Assessment
  • Module 5 Practical Assessment (clone)
  • survey_1657890353
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed